Saturday 19 July 2008

ICT Training

I have just come to the end of my first two weeks of ICT training; we taught level 3 of a training program largely initiated by one of my predecessors (Tim Wehrle) and it seemed to be a mainly positive time.

Mostly the training was well received (we will need to make some changes where the course content seemed too diffcult) and my Eritrean teaching colleagues presented most of the course, which seems quite sustainable to me. The format included a lot of hands-on lab work which allowed me to remain fully involved despite my lack of local language and, as I knew, I need to work on my computer hardware knowledge!

The problem for some of the teachers is that they go back to schools which have no computers (and no electricity in some cases - the Solar Power packs are eagerly awaited!) - but the commitment seems to be there to keep investing time and effort in learning computer skills.


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